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Trademarks are your intellectual property. Your business and its attributes, your product names and signs have value. Did you develop a product which became so popular that someone started producing his goods under name of your product? Or was your product name diluted by another company, was it compromised, was it copied in a way that causes confusion for the customers as to its origin and quality? Is someone selling a fake product under your product's name? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then, please, contact us for further consultation to determine whether you have a ground for a court complaint.  We have experienced attorneys who can argue your case before a court and seek reimbursement of damages to your business and reputation. Our lawyers were defending brands of Procter & Gamble from diluting and unauthorized use and were awarded by this company for the best brand-protection work we did. 


If you have trademark litigation case please call us at 619 - 630 - 6646 or fill out the form at our web-site.  

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